Ishtar Games is a French indie studio based in Lille and Bordeaux (France). Formerly known as “CCCP”, we have been creating games since 2005.

At Ishtar Games, we are committed to celebrating diversity, whether it’s within our teams or the games we develop. We respect equal employment opportunities, as well as non-discriminatory treatment of applications. We welcome everyone – without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status or any other characteristic protected by laws – and believe diversity is the greatest of strength. Joining Ishtar Games means working with video games enthusiasts, in a caring and human-sized team. Every day, we build and sustain together a safe environment for everyone. Come and join us!


They were there at the Great Beginning. They nurtured the Seed and witnessed it grow deep.

Matthieu Richez

CEO / Creative Director

Architect of the Grand Design, Hidden Ultimate Boss

Frédéric Forest

Commercial Director

Master of Coin, High-Priest of the Divine Invoicing

Christophe Gey

Senior Game Designer

Archmaster of Words, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Design


Their fight against the forces of Bad UX is well known through the land. Their search for the Perfect Design is unending.

Thomas Pattou

Game Director

Dwarven Warrior-Priest of Design, former Code Guru

Jacques Dedeken

Art Director

Archbishop of Good Taste, Master of Paint

Manon Fontaine

Senior Artist

Colors Fairy, wielder of the Holy Brush Sword

Bruno Laverny

Marketing Director

Guildmaster of Sales, possessed by the Market Demon

Benjamin Coquelle

Executive Producer

Multiclassed Design Barbarian ~ Planning Assassin

Simon Hembert

Technical Director

Ranger of the Forest of Lost Bugs

Julie Kabbache

Senior Artist

Priestess of the Moon, reads future in pixels sacrifices

Adrien Feugère

Senior Artist

Half Bear, Half Giant Pixel Warrior

Eloïse Beuvant

HR Director

Sibyl of the Fellowship, Brewer of Vacation Days

Robin Six

Technical Artist

Code Necromancer, aspiring Pixel Mage

Maxence Delacroix

Lead Programmer

Patch Maker, Wielder of Git

Jordy Embun

Senior Producer

Master of Disguises, Planning Thief

Morgane Lainard

Senior Game Designer

UX Berserker, Design Scald

Frédéric Durey

Senior Programmer

Coder Healer, blessed by the Binary Gods

Jacinthe Julie-Suzanne

Senior Artist

Mistress of Earth, Wind and Photoshop

Gabriel Charry

Senior Programmer

Wielder of the C# Hammer, Destroyer of Bugs

Matthieu Heras


Gallant Swordmaster of Code, Elven Prince of Noldor Ascent


Junior Artist

Warrior Queen of the Riders Tribe, Wielder of the Pencil Lance



Pixel Shieldmaiden, Slayer of Layer Demons


Game Designer

Guardian of the Design Bible, Pattern Preacher


Game Designer

Wandering Bard, Teller of Forbidden Knowledge

François MARTIN

Community Manager

Worshipper of TikTok the Great, Keeper of the Eternal Tweet

Sylvain MEDDAH

Senior QA Tester

Master Hunter of All Bugs, Gym Hero


Office Manager

Guild Caretaker, Supplies Enchanteress


Sound Designer

Sound Alchemist, Tamer of Rogue Frequencies


Current and former heroes in the making, coming from far and wide to learn from the Old Ones. We are proud to have been part of their Journey.

  • Pierre Jeanne
  • Nathan Feder-Bedar
  • Ambrune Martin
  • Louis Lefebvre
  • Iris Pecquet
  • Marion Dekeyser
  • Pierre Jeanne
  • Eloïse Zirotti
  • Myriam El Hounihi-Dehaudt
  • Matthieu Heras
  • Justine Verhelst
  • Robin Six
  • Rackover
  • Yuna Colloc
  • Chiara Birchen
  • Ingrid Desmidt
  • Laurane Cohen
  • Juliette Scherpereel
  • Sharon Anquetil
  • Benjamin Coquelle
  • Valentine Ferrandin
  • Bruno Laverny
  • Delphine Verfaillie
  • Tristan Camus
  • Manon Boderé
  • Thomas Bourdon
  • Alex Bolle
  • Claire Konieczka
  • Florine Dorlencourt
  • Thibault Annaert
  • Noa Claisse
  • Clément Caminal
  • Steven Cruz
  • Julien Lesieur
  • Hugo Guerin
  • Manon Grabette
  • Boris Moncel
  • Florence Mc Donagh
  • Angélique Dujarrier
  • Guillaume Nasi
  • Karl Lalonnier
  • Adeline Davoine
  • Lucille Alleyson
  • Patrick Mary
  • Manon Bertin
  • Adrien Vennet
  • Patricia Lo
  • Nicolas Vallin
  • Ikram Messaoudi 
  • Wei Jirong
  • Nadia Baldachinno
  • Morgane Lainard
  • Armel Jestin
  • Florent Renuit
  • Mathias Theys
  • Thomas Van Lissum
  • Maxence Voleau